Normal period for a pregnant woman to be delivered of her baby is nine months; what happens after this expectation the baby did not come? CYRIACUS NNAJI writes a report on a woman that waited for two years and eight months for her pregnancy to be delivered.
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Above all reasons for marriage, child-bearing remains the bedrock and virtually any couple not blessed with it, undergo all sorts of experiences ranging from mutual suspicion, harassment from both relations and talks about family backgrounds and escapades of either of the couple before their marriage union.
Invariably, the joy of a newly wedded couple knows no bound if after the solemnisation of the holy matrimony the signs of pregnancy appear boldly written on the woman. The husband of such a woman does not only hold the woman in high esteem but arrangement would be put in top gear to receive the first fruit of the family.
However, many a time providence proves otherwise by either thwarting that pregnancy or delaying the coming of the baby. In that case the new family is thrown into disarray. They visit churches, herbalists, quacks and charlatans who claim having the magical wand to deliver the pregnancy.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kelechukwu Okeke are from Osina in Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State and reside in Wilmer area of Lagos. They wedded on April 4, 2013 and the wife reported her pregnancy in May of the same year. So there was expectation and the hearts of the couple were full of joy. They began to prepare and to ensure that the child was welcomed into the world with basic comfort of life.
Jeff however confirmed to The AUTHORITY that, “As newly wedded couple we expected the child to come in nine months but along the line we could not see the baby again. From there we started asking for the mercy of God.
His wife wore the shoe and she knew exactly where it pinched; was it that the pregnancy disappeared or that the pregnancy was there but could not be delivered. She narrated her own very experience thus:
“Before our wedding I have already asked my friends how you will know if you are pregnant and they said sharp pain below the abdomen and changes in the body; so when I started having the sharp pain below my abdomen I said I am pregnant and I told my husband that I am pregnant. My husband shouted and said just like that? He said he would like to see the test and so I went for blood test but it said no pregnancy, the same thing as urine and scan, all reported that there was no pregnancy. The scan showed fibroid and not pregnancy.”
This was the beginning of their trouble and from there dream was cut short and confusion set in.
“There was confusion and within us we began to doubt my claim of pregnancy. Three months later, we went to the same hospital for
 the same tests and the results still showed that I was not pregnant; that what they are seeing is fibroid. But the whole signs of pregnancy were still present even though I was still menstruating and the blood appeared heavier. The heaviness of the blood made people say that may be I was having miscarriage.
“There was more confusion at five months, gynecologists were confused. After seven months I went to another maternity hospital, that one said they could hear the heartbeat of the baby loud and clear; they said it is so clear that you don’t need to listen twice before you know that there is baby there, showing that the baby is healthy, but that scan could not trace it is what they don’t know.
“I said okay let me wait till nine months because there have been cases like that where people were scanned and could not trace the pregnancy but in nine months they still deliver their babies.
“Nine months, I had contraction, but it was small contraction. The hospital now asked me to come for operation. But I told myself that I will not go for operation because I don’t know how safe it is. Inside me I know it is a demonic attack. I stopped going to that hospital. Then a colleague of mine referred me to a man in FESTAC. When he saw me he said madam, you are pregnant but there is spiritual problem.
“He said my case is the seventh he had handled, that I should keep praying because it is not a medical problem. I went there for three months thinking that I would deliver within this period but nothing. From the first month till a year and five months I lost my health; thank God our admin manager was an understanding man. At a point I could not walk, stand, I only lied down but I could eat very well, sometimes five times a day. If I don’t eat very well I would faint.
At this point the husband could only care for the life and health of his wife, the baby could go so far as his lovely wife was alive.
“My husband became tired and said let us go for the operation even if the baby did not make it, we would start all over. I was also confused because I was also tired, but a time came I said, how are we sure that after this one there will be another? More so, how sure are we that I will survive the operation?
The man I met in FESTAC referred me to one of his patients who had similar case, who later put to bed. The woman said I should not go for operation that her own was even five years; She now told me that there is a man of God.
“So she referred me to Laughter Foundation at CBN quarters in Satellite Town where I met Pastor Isaac and immediately he saw me he said madam you are pregnant. Whatever scan is saying forget about it. He said you will have babies and get tired of babies. But as I began going to Laughter Foundation there was always an improvement. I became healthy. One day he said that he has set me free, that my enemies have lost the battle. My baby that had not kicked for 1year and 5 months started kicking.
It was then I discovered that the church belongs to Gbenga Osun. I always see the man on Television, I will say what he is doing is fake.
“There I will see people carrying children, identical twins. I said I will carry my own. I looked at the children and they were so healthy, no imbecile among them. I said, no there is God here. There we hear testimonies of people that have cases that were worse than mine and I was encouraged. I saw myself being happy in the mist of problem.”
A senior midwife at Prince and Princess Hospital in Apapa, Lagos who spoke on condition of anonymity said, “The normal duration of pregnancy is nine months, in some cases it may delay a little. However, it is also possible to see cases of carrying pregnancy much longer but in such cases powers beyond us are responsible. They are usually delivered in either church or herbal homes. It is equally possible for a woman to menstruate as this woman did because of the powers beyond us. I have witnessed such a case,”
The AUTHORITY learnt from the husband where they were finally delivered. “It was still the assistant pastor at Laughter Foundation that referred us to where they were delivered. But a time came I travelled to Onitsha, I went to EFAC of the Anglican Communion through their God of Abraham, they consulted their God if my wife was actually pregnant. After four days they came back and said she is pregnant.
“They were the people that said the Lord told them to leave what they are doing and follow us to Lagos to deliver her and after that they should equally follow us to the Village in Osina because she was tied; and they said we should expect the child between November/December. But God said we should go and do Thanksgiving and after that you will see what God will do for you. They also said the lord instructed them to be praying for us every night until the baby is delivered. They call by midnight and by 3 am they will close.
“Then I bought a ram and took it to church for Thanksgiving. After that the medical people where she was receiving Medicare were still calling and I said you people should not come back without those babies. I went inside my room, locked it and started worshipping God.
“My phone was ringing and I did not pick it. After sometime I picked the call and my wife shouted obukwa nwoke na nwanyio o (it is a boy and a girl). And that is how the miracle came suddenly. The journey ended in January.
“Many pastors assisted us, many! Many tried and ran away, but some stood in the gap. At a point I told God deliver my children and take a cow; if there are no children, deliver my wife and still take your cow. I don’t want waka waka again.
Jeff said “it is joy all the way. We are expecting another one and this time triplets. I have started seeing it.”
Mrs. Okeke said, “I am simply excited, during delivery, it took less than three minutes for the babies to come out. It is just God. It was like a dream. When I look at the children I said are they real human beings but one look like me the other looked like my husband.
Now the twins that the scan, blood and urine tests said was fibroid will be dedicated on June 5, 2016. Jeff said, “We have made arrangements to blow the trumpet and it is God that will provide the sacrificial lamb.”
Madam Okeke advised women: There are women with similar problem and nine months time they go and flush out the pregnancy. I want to let them know that in this life, it is a battle ground. My advice to other women is that when you have such challenge forget about doctor’s report. Many things are non-medical but they are not beyond God.

Source: The Authority